Browsing by Title
Now showing items 56-75 of 157
Effects of Participatory Forest Management on Communities’ Livelihoods in Arc Forest of South Nguru Mountains in Mvomero District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2017-06)ABSTRACT: This paper examined the effects of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) on people’s livelihoods around the South Nguru in Mvomero District where two Participatory Forest Management approaches namely: Joint Forest ... -
An Empirical Analysis of Relationship between Population and Economic Growth in Tanzania for the Period spanning from 1980 to 2018
(Rural Planning Journal, 2019-12)The real GDP in Tanzania grows at an average rate of 6.6 percent for the period from 2000 to 2015 and continues to grow at an average of 7.0% and 7.1% in 2016 and 2017, respectively. This growth is accompanied by population ... -
Empowering or Disempowering Women? A Challenge for Microfinance NGOs Supporting Women Entrepreneurs for Poverty Reduction in Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania
(IRDP, 2013-02)Abstract In many developing countries, women are poorer than men. To address this inequality, NGOs operating in these countries have introduced microfinance programmes towards women empowerment. However, little information ... -
Energy to Power Industrial and the Rural
(TEMA & SIYAYA, 2022)The President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan speaking to the 12th Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dodoma, 22nd April 2021. “Over the past five years, we have had some success ... -
Enhancing Rural Development through Agricultural Transformation
(TEMA & SIYAYA, 2022)About 70% of the population in Tanzania live in rural areas and a majority of them are engaged in agriculture as their main economic activity. For this reason, rural development entails, among other things, transforming ... -
Entrepreneurial Training Amongst Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: An Assessment of Effect on Farm Productivity
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-06)ABSTRACT: This paper sought to assess the effect of smallholder farmers entrepreneurial training and application on farm productivity. It is based on the premise that while some entrepreneurial traits are acquired through ... -
Environmental Law and By-laws’ Knowledge among Community Members around Forest Reserves: Experience from Mount Uluguru Nature Reserve
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: Degradation and deforestation are among the major environmental problems facing forests in Tanzania. The country has undertaken deliberate efforts to device mechanisms to address the environmental problems in the ... -
An evaluation of Challenges Facing Smallholder Orange Farmers in Muheza District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: Most of Tanzanian population lives in rural areas where their livelihoods depend on smallholding agriculture which contribute substantially in GDP of the country. Notwithstanding these contributions to household ... -
Exit Strategies in Improving Household Food Security in Tanzania: A Case of Agricultural and Food Security Project in Bahi District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: This study assessed the effectiveness of exit strategies adopted by World Vision Tanzania through the Agricultural and Food Security Project in Bahi District, Dodoma Region. The study analysed the implementation ... -
Factors Affecting Night Market Traders’ Performance in Tanzania: A Case of Forodhani Night Market in Unguja
(IRDP, 2023-06)This study assessed the factors affecting the night market traders’ sales performance. The factors examined were the age, sex, marital status, trade experience, startup capital, number of employees, business type, and ... -
Factors associated with Women Engagement in Small Scale Businesses in Tanga city: A case of Nguvumali Ward
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)The study was carried out at Nguvumali ward in Tanga city council to assess factors associated with women engagement in small scale businesses. This study used both qualitative and quantitative data from primary and ... -
Factors for Loss of Biodiversity in Great Ruaha Catchment Area (GRCA): A Case of Ruaha Ward in Iringa Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in Iringa municipality based on the factors influencing loss of biodiversity in Iringa municipality, A case of Ruaha ward. The study focused on exploring activities practiced in Ruaha ... -
Factors for Low Birth Registration in Mbeya District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2017-06)ABSTRACT: Birth registration is a crucial instrument to generate accurate demographic data, which is essential for government to plan and meet the needs of its citizens. This study was conducted to find out the factors for ... -
Factors for preference for Non-medical Male Circumcision for Children in Chamwino District: A Case of Makang’wa Ward
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in Makang’wa Ward in Chamwino District, with aim of determining factors influencing non-medical male circumcision. Data collection methods were interview, focus group discussion, documentary ... -
Factors Influencing Community Health Fund Enrollment: A Case of Modified Communnity Health Fund in Dodoma Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-06)Abstract: This paper presents the results of a study on factors influencing Community Health Fund (CHF) enrollment, using a case of Modified CHF in Dodoma. The study was carried out in 11 wards in Dodoma municipality for ... -
Factors Influencing Pearl Millet Production among Smallholder Farmers in Bahi District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2021-06-30)A current study was carried out to assess factors influencing pearl millet production in Bahi district located in semi-arid central Tanzania. Cross-sectional research design was adopted. A total of 96 respondents were ... -
Factors Influencing Saving Behaviour and Capital Formation Among Rural Households in Kalambo District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2020-12-31)This study was carried out with the objectives of determining factors influencing saving behaviour and capital formation among rural households in Kalambo district in Tanzania. Specific objectives of the study were; to ... -
Factors Influencing Technical Efficiency of Sunflower Production among Smallholder Farmers in Chemba District, Central Tanzania
(IRDP, 2022-12)The intention of this study was to assess the technical efficiency of farmers in sunflower production in Chemba District. Specifically, the study determined Technical Efficiency of sunflower production in the study ... -
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Improved Oil Palm Variety in Kigoma Rural District of Tanzania
(IRDP, 2022-12)Abstract Climate change has been reported to pose negative effects on agriculture globally. Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices such as using improved seeds has been widely recognized as a promising ... -
Factors Influencing Utilizationof Development Resources for Youth Employment at Majengo Mtaa in Babati District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-06)Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine factors influencing utilization of development resources for youth. Specifically, the study aimed at identifying the resources available for youth employment, to determine ...