Influence of Patriarchy Ideology on Negotiations and Interest over Women Rural-Urban Migration
ABSTRACT: The study was done in four selected villages in Dodoma region and three selected street ,two from Dar es Salaam city and one from Dodoma town. The intention of the study was to find out how patriarchy ideology influences rural-urban migration for women. Specifically this paper uses some of the findings to explain how Patriarchy Ideology influences Negotiations and interest over Women Migration. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews were employed in data collection in rural areas and towns respectively. It was found out that though women are facing patriarchal constraints in rural areas, they do
not simply take migration as an abrupt solution. Together with other members of the society, women have to negotiate on migration. Patriarchy ideology becomes a determinant factor on how women fulfill their migration decision or fail to do so. Therefore, on one hand patriarchy ideology sets up conditions for migration negotiations that are done with reference to it but on the other it acts as the impeding factor for women migration. Thus, patriarchy ideology is a cause of problems to women and a means to maintain them.