Browsing Rural Planning Journal by Title
Now showing items 20-39 of 111
Determinant of Tax Revenue in Tanzania (1997- 2014)
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to investigate the determinants of tax revenue in Tanzania. The study employed only secondary data which covered the period of 18 years (1997/98-2014/15).Currently, Tanzanian total tax ... -
Determinants for Application of Organic Manure in Maize Production in Kalambo District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: The study on determinants for application of organic manure in maize production was conducted at Kale village Rukwa region. The objectives of the study were to identify thefactors for application of organic manure ... -
Determinants of Conflicts Coping Strategies among Farmers and Pastoralists in Kilosa and Kiteto Districts, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: Natural resource use conflict is a global issue. In sub-Saharan Africa, such conflicts can be extreme; even resulting into deaths of individuals. There is a plethora of literature exploring the causes and effects ... -
Determinants of Household’s Membership to Community Health Fund Scheme in Central Tanzania: A Case of Mkalama District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-06)ABSTRACT: Many developing countries have adopted Community- Based Health Insurance (CBHI) methods as a part of a broader solution to health care financing problems in their countries. Despite of its advantages, Community ... -
Determinants of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Utilisation among Pregnant Women in Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)Ending the epidemics of malaria for quality livelihood is well addresses in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in the 2025 Development Vision. Recently, Malaria in pregnancy is still drawing much attention ... -
Determinants of Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Rural Areas of Kasulu District in Tanzania
(IRDP, 2023-06)The study was conducted in Kasulu District Council to assess the determinants of the living arrangements of older persons in rural areas of Tanzania. A multistage sampling technique was applied to obtain 379 older persons ... -
Determinants of Loan Defaults in Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania: A case of two Selected Microfinance Institutions in Dodoma Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2017-06)ABSTRACT: The study on determinants of loan defaults in Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania was carried in Dodoma Municipality in two selected branches namely PRIDE and FINCA. Specifically, the study intended to: assess ... -
Determinants of Loan Repayment among Youth in Groups in Bukombe District, Tanzania
(IRDP, 2022-12)This paper assesses the determinants of loan repayment among Youth in Groups in the Bukombe District. Specifically, the paper examines socioeconomic factors that influence loan repayments among youth, the extent of ... -
Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty in Rural Tanzania
(IRDP, 2023-06)This study examines the determinants of multidimensional poverty in rural Tanzania. Poverty is still a challenge in Tanzania, particularly in rural areas, since its incidence rate of decrease is slower than in urban ... -
Determinants of Onion Profitability among Smallholder Farmers at Mlembule ward in Mpwapwa District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)This paper evaluates the determinants of onion profitability among smallholder farmers at Mlembule Ward. Specifically, the paper determines onion profitability status, examines determinants of onion profitability and ... -
Determinants of Profitability in Orange Production Under Smallholder Farming in Muheza District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: This study aimed at assessing determinants of profitability in orange production among smallholder farmers in Muheza district. Data collected from 97 randomly selected farmers through structured interview and ... -
Determinants of Rural and Urban Postnatal Care Differentials among Newborns in Tanzania
(IRDP, 2022-12)This study examined determinants of rural and urban postnatal care differentials among newborns in Tanzania. The study used secondary data from the national cross-sectional Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS-MIS) for ... -
Determinants of Tax Productivity Performance in Tanzania: A Time Series Analysis
(IRDP, 2023-06)The study was focused on assessing the determinants of tax productivity performance in Tanzania adopting a time series analysis based on data spanning from the year 1996 to 2020. A time series using the multivariate ... -
Determinants of the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania. A case of SMEs business oweners in Songea Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2017-12)ABSTRACT: Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs)have been playing a significant role in the socio-economic development of the countries world over. Despite this vital role in contributing to economic growth and job ... -
Determinantsof Child Labour Elimination in Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-06)Abstract: Child labour is a great concern in many developing countries including Tanzania. Despite a number of strategies developed by the Government of Tanzania and ILO to curb the problem for many years, still the ... -
Distribution Pattern of Anuran Species in Kimboza Forest Reserve, Morogoro, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2021-06-30)An assessment of the distribution of anuran species of Kimboza forest reserve, Tanzania was conducted between March 2017 and April 2017. Visual encounter survey applying Time-Constraint Search (TCS) approach was used to ... -
Economic Analysis of Factors Affecting Maize Production in Tanzania: Time Series Analysis
(IRDP, 2023-06)Maize is an important food and income earner for rural and urban dwellers in Tanzania. Despite efforts done by the government and private sector, the yield of maize has remained significantly below the average of less ... -
The Effect of Extension Services Access on Technical Efficiency Among Smallholder Sugarcane Farmers in Kilombero Valley: Evidence from the Propensity Score Matching Approach
(IRDP, 2022-12)This study assesses the effect of access to extension services on the Technical Efficiency (TE) of Smallholder Sugarcane Farmers (SHSCFs) in Kilombero valley, Tanzania. Based on a crosssectional survey of 274 randomly ... -
Effect of Technical Interventions on Chicken Productivity and Household Welfare in Selected Villages of Bariadi district, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-06)Abstract: This study was carried out in three selected villages of Bariadi District, Tanzania in June 2012 to evaluate the effect of technical interventions on chicken productivity and household wellbeing. The study involved ... -
Effectiveness of Human Resources Information System in the Tanzanian Local Government Authorities: Do Technological, User and Organisational Attributes matter?
(Rural Planning Journal, 2021-06-30)Tanzania introduced Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in her Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in an intentional move to replace the manual record system due to challenges of incomplete, inaccurate and ...