Browsing Rural Planning Journal by Title
Now showing items 8-27 of 111
Challenges Facing Women Vegetable Sellers in Dodoma City: A Case of Sabasaba Market
(Rural Planning Journal, 2021-12)This study assessed challenges facing women vegetable sellers in the City Council of Dodoma at Sabasaba Market. The specific objectives of the study were to determine status of women vegetable selling business, analyze ... -
Climate Change and Variability: Local Farmers Perception in Rombo District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: Agriculture, the highly vulnerable sector to climate change is the main sources of livelihood in Africa, and in Tanzania it is the backbone of the economy. Agriculture has been impacted by climate change and ... -
Climatic Variability and Livelihood Diversification among Small-Scale Rice Farmers in Bahi Sub-basin, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2019-12)Climate variability is a major challenge facing small-scale farmers in semi-arid of developing countries. Farmers employ various ways to cope with climate variability. However, scant information is available on livelihoods ... -
Commercial Investments Impacts on Customary Land Rights and Community Livelihoods: Reflection of D-by-D Reforms in Kisarawe Dist
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-06)Abstract: This paper presents the results of the study with the broad objective of analyzing the impacts of commercial investments on rural land access and acquisition process with reference to decentralization by devolution. ... -
Community and Private Sector Participation for Efficient Regularisation in Tanzania: A Case of Goba Kunguru Informal Settlements in Ubungo Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2021-12)This article presents the results of the study that assessed the community and private sector participation for efficient regularisation of Goba Kunguru Mtaa in Ubungo Municipality. The study deployed a case study research ... -
Community Participation in Development Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in Dodoma Municipality: A Case of Chang’ombe Ward
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: Community participation in development planning, monitoring and evaluation is considered as of importance as the heart that pumps blood, and that for community development to be attained it has to been given ... -
Concealed Potential of Unconventional Crops: Smallholder Farmers’ Involvement in Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) Production in Nala Ward, Dodoma Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: The study was conducted in Nala Ward, Dodoma municipality. The aim was to asses smallholder farmers’ involvement in Rosella production as a new strategy in household income improvement. Specifically, the study ... -
The contribution of NGOs Towards Forest Conservation in Dodoma Municipality, Central Tanzania: A Case of Dodoma Development Association (DODEA) Tree Planting Project
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-06)ABSTRACT: The problem of deforestation is a serious environmental problem in Dodoma region. The objective of Dodoma Development Association (DODEA) is focusing in combating deforestation in the region by encouraging community ... -
Contribution of Orange Production to Household Income of Smallholder Farmers in Muheza District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: This study aimed at assessing the contribution of orange production to household income of smallholder farmers in Muheza District. Data collected using structured questionnaires administered to a random sample ... -
Contribution of Spice Tourism to Youth Employment: A Case of Kijichi Spices Farms at Kijichi Shehia in Unguja - Zanzibar
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to assess the contribution of spice tourism to youth employment in West District „B‟ Zanzibar using Kijichi spice farms as case study. The study had three specific objectives namely: ... -
The Contribution of Wastewater farming activities to the household wellbeing in Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: This paper assesses the contribution of wastewater farming activities to the household wellbeing in Dodoma Municipality. Specifically, the study intended to: (i) assess the ability of wastewater users to meet ... -
Coverage and Factors Influencing Uptake of Maternal Health Care Services in Kondoa District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: Maternal health services play a vital role in achieving improved reproductive health outcomes. However, levels of uptake and utilisation of available services in most developing countries, including Tanzania ... -
Determinant of Tax Revenue in Tanzania (1997- 2014)
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-12)ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to investigate the determinants of tax revenue in Tanzania. The study employed only secondary data which covered the period of 18 years (1997/98-2014/15).Currently, Tanzanian total tax ... -
Determinants for Application of Organic Manure in Maize Production in Kalambo District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2015-12)Abstract: The study on determinants for application of organic manure in maize production was conducted at Kale village Rukwa region. The objectives of the study were to identify thefactors for application of organic manure ... -
Determinants of Conflicts Coping Strategies among Farmers and Pastoralists in Kilosa and Kiteto Districts, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2018-12)ABSTRACT: Natural resource use conflict is a global issue. In sub-Saharan Africa, such conflicts can be extreme; even resulting into deaths of individuals. There is a plethora of literature exploring the causes and effects ... -
Determinants of Household’s Membership to Community Health Fund Scheme in Central Tanzania: A Case of Mkalama District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2016-06)ABSTRACT: Many developing countries have adopted Community- Based Health Insurance (CBHI) methods as a part of a broader solution to health care financing problems in their countries. Despite of its advantages, Community ... -
Determinants of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Utilisation among Pregnant Women in Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)Ending the epidemics of malaria for quality livelihood is well addresses in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and in the 2025 Development Vision. Recently, Malaria in pregnancy is still drawing much attention ... -
Determinants of Living Arrangements of Older Persons in Rural Areas of Kasulu District in Tanzania
(IRDP, 2023-06)The study was conducted in Kasulu District Council to assess the determinants of the living arrangements of older persons in rural areas of Tanzania. A multistage sampling technique was applied to obtain 379 older persons ... -
Determinants of Loan Defaults in Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania: A case of two Selected Microfinance Institutions in Dodoma Municipality
(Rural Planning Journal, 2017-06)ABSTRACT: The study on determinants of loan defaults in Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania was carried in Dodoma Municipality in two selected branches namely PRIDE and FINCA. Specifically, the study intended to: assess ... -
Determinants of Loan Repayment among Youth in Groups in Bukombe District, Tanzania
(IRDP, 2022-12)This paper assesses the determinants of loan repayment among Youth in Groups in the Bukombe District. Specifically, the paper examines socioeconomic factors that influence loan repayments among youth, the extent of ...