Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Determinants of Onion Profitability among Smallholder Farmers at Mlembule ward in Mpwapwa District
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
This paper evaluates the determinants of onion profitability among smallholder farmers at
Mlembule Ward. Specifically, the paper determines onion profitability status, examines
determinants of onion profitability and ...
Typology and Adoption level of Improved Post-harvest Storage Technology for Cereal Crops among Smallholder Farmers in Mvomero District, Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
Despite government interventions on promoting improved post-harvest storage technology
among smallholder farmers in the country, the access and adoption of the technologies remain
one of the most problematic issues ...
Effectiveness of Natural Spring Water Project in Supplying Water for Domestic Use in Kondoa in Dodoma Region
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
The world continents including Africa are experiencing water scarcity. Rural water supply has
been a problem in most parts of Tanzania especially in Central Zone regions due to little amount
of rainfall. Kondoa District ...
Status on the Use of Improved Cooking Stoves in Rungwe District: A Case of Makandana Ward
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
The study assessed the status of using Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS) at Makandana ward in the
Rungwe District. Specifically, it determined the availability of ICS, analysed the factors that
influence the use of the ...
Determinants of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) Utilisation among Pregnant Women in Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
Ending the epidemics of malaria for quality livelihood is well addresses in the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and in the 2025 Development Vision. Recently, Malaria in pregnancy
is still drawing much attention ...
Spatial Clustering of Cholera Deaths in Mainland Tanzania
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
Cholera is a global public health problem with ramifications on families, communities and
nations. This study examined the spatial clusters of cholera deaths in Mainland Tanzania. A
retrospective study design was employed ...
Factors associated with Women Engagement in Small Scale Businesses in Tanga city: A case of Nguvumali Ward
(Rural Planning Journal, 2022-06)
The study was carried out at Nguvumali ward in Tanga city council to assess factors associated
with women engagement in small scale businesses. This study used both qualitative and
quantitative data from primary and ...