Browsing Staff Publications by Author "Mpogole, Hosea"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Agriculture for Rural Development in Tanzania
Mpogole, Hosea; Dimoso, Provident; Mayaya, Hozen (TEMA Publishers Co. Limited, Dar es Salaam, 2020-06)His Excellency President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli’s speech given during the dissolution of the 11th parliament in Dodoma, Tanzania, on 16th June 2020 “Along with other things, we have continued to place emphasis on ... -
Commercialization of Smallholder Agriculture in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania
Mpogole, Hosea; Kauki, Boniface; Ngilangwa, Emma; Mandara, Christina; Namwata, Baltazar; Hauli, Emmanuel (Institute of Rural Development Planning, 2022-03)Tanzania seeks to achieve a semi-industrialized economy by 2025. In this envisioned economy, commercialization of smallholder agriculture, which provides the necessary raw materials and a market for industrial products is ... -
Enhancing Rural Development through Agricultural Transformation
Mayaya, Hozen; Mpogole, Hosea; Dede, Kwalu (TEMA & SIYAYA, 2022)About 70% of the population in Tanzania live in rural areas and a majority of them are engaged in agriculture as their main economic activity. For this reason, rural development entails, among other things, transforming ... -
Industrial Development: The Past, Present and Future
Dimoso, Provident; Mpogole, Hosea; Mayaya, Hozen (2020-06)“As I inaugurated this Parliament in 2015, I remember promising that my government would continue the efforts of previous administrations to boost the economy as well as to tackle the problems of poverty and unemployment. ...